Latest Data on the Homepage


Latest Data on the Homepage

The Home Page

Currently our application does not have a homepage. We would like a home page that includes the three latest films.

This will require a view, route and controller.

The Index View

There is a view provided with the repo at views/index.ejs.

Review the view and see how it makes use of partials as well as loops and links covered in the example pages from previously.

Add a Controller

We need to query our model to extract the latest three films. We have a releaseDate field to help us here. Add a controller of:


Inside the try block, the Film.find() method is called to retrieve films from the MongoDB collection. The Film here refers to a MongoDB model or schema that represents the films collection.

The find() method without any parameters retrieves all documents from the films collection. Following that, the sort() method is used to sort the films based on the releaseDate field in descending order (-1 indicates descending order).

The limit() method is then applied to the query to limit the result to the latest three films.

The await keyword is used before the Film.find().sort().limit() chain to wait for the database query to complete and fetch the results. The results are assigned to the newestFilms variable.

Note: Don't forget to add getNewestFilms to the exported functions.

Add a Route


We now have a homepage that features the three latest film releases.

Next: Getting Started